Part three on the Logical Problem of the Trinity: The Twofoldness of Divine Truth, Attempts to Reconcile apparent Biblical Contradictions and Bayesian arguments for God being essentially twofold in his nature. Suggested further reading and bibliography over all three blogposts at the end
This is part three of a blog related to the Logical Problem of the Trinity: part one and two avaliable here The Twofoldness of Divine Truth Having assessed the most popular models of the Trinity intended to solve the logical problem of the Trinity and found them at best unpersuasive and at worst opening the possibility to heresy, I will now present an alternative approach. Modalism and tritheism are two extremes, taking an unbalanced approach to the truth revealed in the Bible. Modalism takes God being one and pushes it to a heretical extreme and tritheism takes God being three and pushes it to a heretical extreme. The twofoldness of divine truth avoids the extremes and Kangas notes it allows one to “maintain a testimony faithful to the whole truth of God’s revelation in th...